Kayla Jackson

I made a movie about my friend Kayla Jackson last fall, and I finally pieced it together! Kayla has a great story to tell about how she ended up with some pretty unique 'coworkers' out at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center.

She just returned home from yet another amazing job in Nepal, so I thought it would be appropriate to share this.

The Arctic Circle

The Arctic Circle is a cold, barren, and beautiful place. I traveled north the last weekend of September, catching the last days of autumn and the first snowfall of the year. It was a fantastic trip; short but sweet. The dancing aurora and the hostility of the land is phenomenally alluring.. I know I'll be back soon. 

Caribou Chronicles - Year 2

I went moose hunting with a friend last year.. we shot a caribou instead. This year we went moose hunting with the specific goal of shooting a moose. We shot absolutely nothing. BUT we had a fantastic time hiking, driving motorized vehicles, and not shooting things. And yes, the video is coming soon.

Helicopters in Nikiski

A recent video production had me flying around in helicopters in Nikiski, Alaska creating a flight safety video for a local airline. It was a ton of work, but a blast flying out to oil rigs in the middle of the ocean with multi-million dollar flying machines buzzing around. I managed to snap a few images in the midst of the chaos: 

Funny River Fire

The forest fire started along the Funny River last week, and as of typing this has grow to 100,000+ acres. From my vantage point on Skilak Lake, the fire was close, but not too close for comfort. Others have not been so luck. Evacuations have been happening all along the Kenai Peninsula. Rain is forcasted.. but has yet to fall. 

Washington State

Washington State in the springtime is a fantastically green and vibrant place. I watched friends tie the knot in Gig Harbor, was introduced to a great group of Seattle Instagrammers, and met up with old friends (& a cousin!) in Bellingham. I will be seeing you soon, WA.

Cook Inlet Sunset

A standard for my friends and I is Kincaid Beach during sunset. Today we met a fantastic newcomer to Alaska named Chad while out shooting. Welcome to the #aurorachasers crew, Chad.