Day Three Hundred Sixty Four - "Faces and Faces" |
If you are looking for any final words, stick around, because this is what i've got.
I want to thank so many people, but the list is so long that i'd inevitably leave someone out. So I'll give a shout out to Nathaniel Wilder, who is the most generous man I have had the privilege of knowing/being schooled by. The camera that captured 98% of this years photos was a gift from Nate, but more importantly is the knowledge he instilled in me, that allowed me to capture[construct] the years imagery. Please, head on over to his site: and check his work out. He is a phenomenal photographer and an even better friend.
And to the 'rents, Mr. Mark and Cami Dalton, who so lovingly supported the countless nights of downtown adventures [which rarely begin before 9:00PM], the camera commodities, and the ever appreciated idea board [great minds never think alone]. You call all breath easy, as the days of; "quick, come pose for me" are [might be] over [probably not].
To all of you watching, following along, thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU. Knowing that mine is not the only critical eye viewing my photos is an emense drive, I could not have done it if it weren't for all the comments, likes, critiques, eyes on my work; constantly demanding the best from me. I am grateful for you all. And if you're still reading.. wow.. respect.
I feel it is important to know that, although I have a deep, deep [love] passion for what I do, I am not the best at this. I truly feel that I Forrest Gump'd [human being'd] my way through this. What I have garnered from this project is that my love of photography comes from a love of sharing. For those of you out there that like to pick up a camera [of ANY kind] once in a while [at all], please. PLEASE! Keep it up! If there is one dirty little secret to [being a "good"] photographer, it's that you have to take a lot of pictures. I shoot anywhere from 100 to 1000 pictures every day. Save those. Share them. SHARE THEM. We want to see them. Really.
This project started off as a challenge, a chance to push myself and grow as a photographer. But it has become something much more than just that. I've grown as a person, [a little] closer to the man I aspire to be: I have become more earnest, thoughtful, patient, gutsy, diligent [ever in progress]. I have found what I love to do. There was not a day this year that this project felt like a chore/burden/stress/annoyance.
IF YOU READ ONLY ONE SENTENCE in this run-on soapbox let it be this: Find your thing and do that thing better than anybody else does that thing, even if you think you aren't the best, or that that thing has no value because I promise you that it does. And I promise you that other people will see this value too.
Day Three Hundred Sixty - "Freeze Your Dansko's Off"
Nathan. It wasn't warm out there, folks, but these two braved it out.. in their car. Gotta stay warm! Respect goes out to Mikey, who is just off camera holding the light directed down at these two. And a loving nod to the curious man who stopped to watch the proceedings. He was released from prison yesterday. Yowza. I am all the more grateful have the opportunity to make a photo every day of this year. — with Sarah Fischer and Nathan White.