Day Twenty Three

Day Twenty Three - I'm finding it increasingly difficult to simply walk down the street. In New York, I dashed in to buy a a big pair of sunglasses to conceal myself, but the guy behind the counter shouted Hey! Its Dr. House! - Hugh Laurie

Day Twenty Two

Day Twenty Two - Planning ahead is nice, but sometimes stuff just happens, and plans change. But spontaneity can work out, and in this case, it sure did!

Day Twenty-One

Day Twenty-one - I am starting to like these nighttime in downtown portraits: full of colorful panhandlers, blustery breezes, and oddly kind security guards. Yes, we were hit on/ asked for change, the light was blown over and saved many times (thanks Deven), and the security guard that was creepin' on us turned out to make a great human lightstand. No, he walked off before I could catch his name so this is what i've got:
Photo Credit: Buster the Security Guard

Day Twenty

Day Twenty - Yes, there are entirely too many me's. And not just in this selfey: too many (I think) of these days are Willie heavy. For your sake, and mine, i've gotta get outta this house, grab people (I'm not gonna rule out doll.. um.. action figures from my early years) with no other goal but to make great photographs. And yes, without a remote, self portraits aren't always so much fun. But hey, with three hundred and forty-five days left, your gonna see this face again. Guess you'll just have to tough it out.

Day Eighteen

Day Eighteen - With nothing at all in mind, I grabbed my gear and headed downtown. I told myself I wouldn't leave until I had "the shot". Finally, after many complaints from my fingers and toes, I settled on this park bench with the moon in the background. After twenty freezing minutes of running back and forth between the camera, which was on self timer, until I got the focus right. Then I threw my gear in the back of my car, and sped home squealing as the blood rushed back into my extremities.

Day Seventeen - How do you keep a dog's attention? Treats, right? Yeah.. but once they know they're in your pocket.. well then they just stare at you longingly. While salivating. Who doesn't like doggy num num's?!

Day Sixteen - Just like the tides, the college students come and go. Day Sixteen is that day for Ms. Anna, as she travels to warmer lands to spend absurd amounts of money on knowledge. Yes, this is college!

Day Fifteen - Yes, yes, minutes to spare. But Harry Potter looked pretty darn good on our fancy new tv and bluray player.. so here is the infamous apple that Malfoy put through the vanishing cabinet. The apple that foreshadows Dumbledore's demise..!

Day Fourteen

Day Fourteen - My father, the sole financial supporter of the project, has been asking when he will be included. Today I gave in to the complaints.. which continued during the shoot. Looks like someone wont't be in anymore for while..!

Day Twelve

Day Twelve - I'm not so sure about love at first sight.. but I can confirm "love at first bite". The Bear Tooth and I have had a longstanding relationship when it comes to Carne Asada Burrito's. Sorry Taco King, Bear Tooth has you beat.

Day 9 - The afternoon light was lovely, and capturing it with the wonderfully photogenic Ms. Sarah was all too easy. We tromped around town square park, getting strange looks from passers-by, and a certain local photographer who kindly offered a hand. After crossing the ice rink, set up in the cool blue glow of the tree lights and made this shot.
big thanks to Nathaniel Wilder who supplied the 85 f/1.2 for this shot

Day 7

Day 7 - "What is that your doing?" "The elevator dance" "Elevator dance?" "Yeah, there's no steps to it" - The Three Stooges
We braved the extreme cold to.. no.. it really wasn't all that much. The toughest part was getting them to follow directions. Which made for some great photographs!

Day 6

Day 6
Day6 - This little bugger was in my front yard eating berries off our trees. When I started popping of the flash, the curious little guy came a little too close, so I jumped in my car. In a slight rush to get into my car, I left the flash in the snow. He almost stepped on it.. but at least he didn't try to eat it!

Day 4

Day 4
"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - The Dark Knight
Too bad Harvey didn't have these sweet shades!