Day One Hundred Three

Day One Hundred Three - "On the Run"

This shot was taken at East High School, and being outside of class this hour, the security guards were on beautiful Ms. Jahnna's tail.

Its a good thing the security guards are camera shy, or else this shot wouldn't have been possible!

Day One Hundred Two

Day One Hundred Two - "Spoke Too Soon"

Beautiful, mid-fifties, clear skies; great day right? Naturally. But just as naturally, it was windy. This shot is decieving in that I couldn't feel many fingers or toes. Worth it? You tell me.

Day One Hundred One

Day One Hundred One - "Winter Rebel"

The brandspankin' new Denina Convention Center decided to up grade their bleachers, and toss the old ones. I always get a few strange looks from passers by, but I wonder what the people behind the security cameras make of the situations.

Apparently not enough to cause alarm, because the shoot went off without a hitch! Now just 264 more days to go..

Day One Hundred

Day One Hundred - "Kick Snat Hare"

Wait, Kick Snare Hat. Yeah drummers aren't aways great a forming correct words.. but you get the idea. We also like to practice.. a lot.. sometimes in unusual places.

Don't worry, no cars were harmed in the making of this photograph. Also no police were involved. But there may have been two friend-of-a-friend's-friend's (slightly intoxicated) acting as human light stands, and one or two disgruntled Covenant House employee's, along with a few impressed tenant's;)

And then there was the snow/hail stuff.. that just made everything better! And yes, there was a small snowball fight afterwords.

But hey, all that goes into making an epic DAY ONE HUNDRED! 

Day Ninety Nine

Day Ninety Nine - "You've Been Served"

Nope. Not court papers, if you haven't gotten it yet.. well..

And for all those out there who think I have no class and asked a woman to prom on the Internet; there was an actual print made and delivered to Ms. McKinley.

Yes, that is how art should be shared, not over screens, but in a medium that you can touch. Something tangible. 

Day Ninety Eight

Day Ninety Eight - "The TRUE Athletes"

Beautiful day, snow melting, balmy fifty degrees, no wind. So what do you do?

Of course.. go to the gym!

Wait.. something doesn't seem right.. hmm. 

Day Ninety Five

Day Ninety Five - "Down with the Down"

You know you're an Alaskan when.. you never leave the house without something feather-based.

It's an unspoken a requirement of the 'true Alaskan' wardrobe.

Of course the good ones have that 'lived in' feel/musk/asthetic because they're.. well... literally lived in.

Day Ninety Four

Day Ninety Four - "Wet Wellies"

Now that is a great word, but not one that comes to mind when I think of "Rainboots"
but when you're face to face with Nessie, I'd either want a pair of wellies, a kilt, or a Franz Ferdinand to scare 'er off. 

Day Ninety Three

Day Ninety Three - "Stop.. or Go"

Shooting in the median of Northern Lights is interesting.. lots of garbage, honking, funny looks, questions, and cops. But it wouldn't be a good shot without all of that.

Day Ninety Two

Day Ninety Two - "Streetlights"

Yes, that title does have a double meaning. Many meanings actually, but literal streetlights, as in the things that made this photo so scrumptiously golden.

This was shot with a lens baby wide open at F/ 2.0 (not actually sure) which makes for some interesting flares and.. well whatever all that stuff is. 

Day Ninety One

Day Ninety One - "Veggin' Out"

Friday: gettin' out of work (rockin' out), workin' out, eatin' out, and finally.. veggin' out.

Mmm mmm mmm

good'nite all. happy friday

Day Ninety

Day Ninety - "You Know It's Springtime When..."

Running outside in shorts after a light snow fall. I didn't even get weird looks. It must be spring.


Day Eighty Nine

Day Eighty Nine - "Fire"

These guys knew what they were doing. They also didn't know what they were doing. Which made it all the more exhilarating/scary/awesome. I don't know if these guys are with the alaska fire circus but the who group put on quite a show in the late night mist of town square.

Day Eighty Seven

Day Eighty Seven - "Game Faces"

Uniforms on, music playing in the background, cleats being checked.. oh wait, nope, that's what should have been happening, but isn't really.

Not quite reality.. but it works.

Day Eighty Six

Day Eighty Six - "You Too?"

Try to name one situation where a plain white tee wouln't make everything more awesome(er).

... yeah yeah forget about the wrinkles.

But really.. is there one?

Day Eighty Five

Day Eighty Five - "The Turn of the Screw"

Time is an interesting thing. But more important than time is perspective. While duh this applies to photography, it is very easily scalable to life's many interesting situations.