Putting in the miles around Ithaca, NY.
Willie Dalton
7th Ave
OALC Goes Skiing
The Outdoor Adventure Learning Community at Ithaca College went skiing today. I brought my camera along; here are a few shots from our fantastic afternoon.
2012 - A Year in Photographs
At this very moment I am sitting in my room at the Sheraton Hotel in Cleveland, Ohio nearing the halfway point of my journey home for the holidays. The heater in the room refuses to spit out anthing but cold air, so I sit at my computer in my down jacket and wool socks wishing that the keyboard backlight would emit any kind of heat.
Cold or not, I'm nearing the fourth hour that i've been sloshing around the proverbial (albeit organized) olympic sized pool of images from 2012. While this year wasn't any <a href="http://wgdalton.blogspot.com">365 Project</a> I did manage to shoot nearly seventy thousand pictures this year; both client and non-client work. It's great to look back upon a year of accomplishments as the new approaches.
I am reminded of what this year held; even though the years seems to grow shorter as we age, three hundred and sixty five days is a buncha days. Plenty of time to imagine, hope, dream, note, and most importantly do. As much as I am reminded of all the amazing memories captured, i'll forever be my own worst critic; always thinking of how I could have shot something better or went about something differently. But rather than dwell on the self-made poo poo, I have took it upon myself to follow RJ Kern's methodical approach to goal setting and put my own 101 Goals in 1001 Days on paper (and here too).
So stay tuned, because while you peruse this brief overview of my year in photographs, I am going to spend the next week dreaming up what/where/when/how to make 2013 new and exciting!
Life at Breezy Hill

Ithaca, New York
Fall in Ithaca, New York is a vibrant experience. The color, the warm weather, and the apples. These shots are from Ithaca's Apple Festival , a time not to celebrate computers, but the fruit in all of its forms. Hit 'read more' down below.
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