Day Fifty

Day Fifty - This started out as just a fake falling back in a chair shot.. but then on the take you see here.... well I pushed off a little too hard. Yeah. Ouch.
So keep in mind people; this is the real thing.

Day Fourty Eight

Day Fourty Eight - I realized afterwords that I probably shouldn't have been wearing such flammable clothing.. But hey, i'm in one piece and ready to do it again.... but with less goose down;)

Day Fourty Six

Day Fourty Six - "Echin what?" "ECHINACEA" "The tea"

Althought Katy was after the tea and not the correct pronunciation, here she is drinking the far superior Peppermint Hot Chocolate. Yep, thats a peppermint tea bag AND hot chocolate in the same mug!

Day Fourty Five

Day Fourty Five - Happy Valentines Day!

I really was going for a lame rose photo but my lovely subj.. err.. mother went straight for the disection.

I'm not quite sure what to caption this photograph.. "One a science teacher, always a science teacher?"

You got anything better?