Day One Hundred Twenty Two
Day One Hundred Twenty Two - "Dansko Doofus"
This is Jessie. She likes clogs. But these aren't just any clogs.. these are anchorage famous Romney Clogs!
Yes.. that was a shamless plug. I am about to do it again... all in the name of SEO. Yes, this is horrible isn't it, so many links to follow. Well you can thank one amazing denver photog by the name of.. RJ Kern. Check him out!
Day One Hundred Twenty One
Day One Hundred Twenty
Day One Hundred Nineteen
Day One Hundred Eighteen
Day One Hundred Eighteen - "The Band Cr3w"
Tonight was the night. One big, last concert for all us band kids.
And naturally, McD's afterwords with a few Afterthr3 (Aft3r) cast/fans.
Soon to be released: Afterthree's official new, professionally recorded and mixed single! Check us out HERE!
Day One Hundred Seventeen
Day One Hundred Sixteen
Day One Hundred Fifteen
Day One Hundred Fifteen - "Slacker"
Yes you do walk on it, but it's not a tightrope, it's a slackline. Simply webbing stretched in between two trees (or something similar) The pros do this over canyons hundreds of feet in the air.. I am only at a meter or two. But hey, maybe someday.. when the 'rents aren't around;)
Day One Hundred Fourteen
Day One Hundred Fourteen - "Ms. Unhappy Camper"
Woke up, went to church, came home and, for the nineteenth year, hunted for my easter basket! Yes, it appears I haven't quite outgrown the tradition, though someone in my family has.. Katy had the whole day to find her basket of goodies and.. well... it never happened.
So I set up my stuff where I knew hers was, and after a little coaxing, yelling, swearing, hitting, complaining.. she finally found it!
Day One Hundred Thirteen
Day One Hundred Thirteen - "Mr. Up and Coming and Ms. Giggles"
I thought this shot up around ten thirty and shot it a few hours later, thinking it would be simple enough to execute.. boy was I mistaken! These two knew how to relax and be themselves in front of the camera.. which made for great expressions, as we were laughing just about the whole time.
Be sure to click the image to view it large!
Day One Hundred Twelve
Day One Hundred Twelve - "Test of Time"
Tayo is the leader of the band After Three (Afterthr3) and yes, the band has withstood the test of time. We are going into a recording studio this weekend to record some of our music!
Check us out!
Day One Hundred Eleven
Day One Hundred Eleven - "Oh-My-Lanta Jones and the Shaking Bridge of Doom"
The APU Northernlights footbridge has a habit of wobbling whenever a group of people walk over it. This one was not particularly fond of it, but she conquered her fears all for day one hundred eleven, all while laughing at a friends misfortune.
Day One Hundred Ten
Day One Hundred Nine
Day One Hundred Eight
Day One Hundred Seven
Day One Hundred Seven - "Fattie Ollie"
Meet Monte. He can skate. Like a beast. Did I mention he can skate?
Meet Mikey. He can skate too. Also pose. Did I mention he can pose?
Come on, whats better than collaborating with people who are masters in their own right? Thats just it, awesome things spew forth because it doesn't require thought.. it just comes naturally. And that is a beautiful thing.
Day One Hundred Six
Day One Hundred Six - "Vintage Central"
VW Buses, Wayfarers, Aviators, Gingham, Kodachrome, Today Sponges, Polaroid Instant film.. the list goes on and on.
But add to that list Central Middle School. Gone are the days of awkward health class, and being released at two fourty five.
On to days of.. College?
Day One Hundred Five
Day One Hundred Five - "The Customer is Always Right"
Or are they?
When I conjure up images in my head, they often consist of specific people. When I am backed into a creative corner there are the select few (family) who's role becomes the subject, so naturally the certian few have multipul shots.. but what if someone requests a photograph?
The difference between personal and commercial work sound obvious, but the line is misleading; and blurs easily.
But if the end result benefits both the shooter and target.. where is the problem?